Digestive troubles, be they occasional or chronic, have become a common problem. Typical conventional approaches to addressing this problem are pharmaceuticals (including antacids, laxatives, statins, anti-inflammatory medications), and in more extreme cases, surgery (such as the removal of the appendix, gallbladder, or a segment of the intestinal tract). Consider that:
What these facts tell us is that incomplete or disordered digestion is a major contributor to the onset of many chronic and degenerative diseases. The bad news is that the pervasiveness of digestive illness is largely due to our modern lifestyle. The good news, however, is that we can exercise a good deal of control over many aspects of our lifestyle.
The following tree chart lists the numerous factors which impact on the digestive process:
Of all the factors listed, genetics is the only one over which we have no influence. In most instances, even though we may be susceptible or vulnerable to certain conditions or illnesses, our choices and behaviors can have a dramatic positive effect on managing or even avoiding illness. Of all of the other factors listed, our choices in terms of the quality of the food we eat may be the single most important factor for ensuring healthy digestion. And, healthy digestion is a non-negotiable prerequisite for overall health and vitality.
Since 2003, the D’Avignon Digestive Health Centre has specialized in colon hydrotherapy and nutritional counseling. Given the enormous amount of information available on these and other holistic healing modalities, we take seriously our responsibility to educate and inform our clients with current, reliable and practical information for achieving optimal health and vitality.
Nutritional counseling goes far beyond meal planning and calorie-counting; it provides a means to assess physiological weaknesses which cause signs or symptoms of ill health (and ultimately, of disease), while also providing a means to correct these imbalances by eating clean, whole foods. Understanding your body’s specific nutritional requirements, and learning how to meet those requirements, can bring a sense of empowerment which helps sustain the motivation to make better food choices.
Of all the complementary health modalities, colon hydrotherapy is likely to be the most misunderstood. Given that colon hydrotherapy deals with a body function that many of us find uncomfortable to discuss, this is not surprising. The vast majority of its detractors, however, have no direct experience with colon hydrotherapy, while its strongest proponents are those who can personally attest to its safety and effectiveness.
At the D’Avignon Digestive Health Centre, we can help you by:
Call the D’Avignon Digestive Health Centre today at 416-465-1222 to find out how we can help you achieve your health goals.
Source list:
(1) Digestive Wellness, Elizabeth Lipski, Ph.D., CCN
(2) Digestive Wellness, Elizabeth Lipski, Ph.D., CCN
(3) Digestive Wellness, Elizabeth Lipski, Ph.D., CCN
(4) alive Magazine www.alive.com
(5) Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, Michael Murray, ND and Joseph Pizzorno, ND
(6) Colorectal Cancer Association of Canada www.ccac-accc.ca
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