Throughout her 20’s and 30’s, Louise dealt with ongoing health issues, none of which could be resolved through conventional medicine. After attending a week-end course on holistic nutrition, Louise enrolled at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition in 2000. By the time she graduated with Honors in 2002, Louise had regained her health by applying the principles of holistic nutrition and other complementary health modalities (most notably colon hydrotherapy!) to foster genuine and lasting healing.
The following year Louise founded the D’Avignon Digestive Health Centre, where she remained at the helm for 12 ½ years, after which her long-time colleague Marnie took over as owner and Director.
While working on other projects, Louise is happily staying on at D’Avignon, a place made special by its people, both staff and clients, and a place which will always feel like home.
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