Congratulations on taking an important step in improving your digestive and bowel health. The following recommendations are intended for you to get the most out of your session by ensuring that your bowel is well prepared for cleansing.
For at least 24 hours prior to a colonic session, avoid heavy foods which may take longer to digest, have a high potential for intolerance, or which lack nutritive value.
For 2 hours prior to your session, do not consume any solid foods. In order to be well hydrated, you can drink herbal tea, fresh vegetable juice or water.
When you arrive at the Centre, you will be asked to fill out a health history questionnaire which your Colon Therapist will review with you. Next there will be a brief abdominal massage on a slant board provided you are able to do this. We will then proceed with the colonic.
Your initial appointment will be 1 ½ to 2 hours in duration. Subsequent appointments are 1 hour. If you have any questions about preparing for colonics, please do not hesitate to call us at 416-465-1222.
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